WHO IS Glassfollies?
My Name is Pamela Holmes
My father once told me he fixed stained glass church windows after the war; I thought it sounded fun. I found an evening class teaching stained glass techniques and my love for stained glass began.
In 2009 I was made redundant and decided on a career change. The cabin at the bottom of the garden was converted into my workshop and I now work from the cabin creating glass sun catchers, pictures and windows.
Rather than using traditional 'lead came' you see in church windows I prefer to use the copper foil technique as this allows far more intricacy in the design. Each piece of glass is hand cut, ground, washed, edged with copper foil. The pieces are put together a bit like a jigsaw and soldered. The solder I use has a high tin content making the finished item sparkle.
I have recently started to run classes but Covid-19 has currently put a stop to it, once things get back to normal I will get them up and running.